I dont have internet things running when Im playing any online game. If I start lagging is 'coz family.
In ZM, it would be cool if newer and cooler maps were added, and some maps like desolo were removed. There is a big bunch of bad maps that are played one after one, like 7 or 8. If it possible replace the old base day for the new snowy one, and remove moonlight from the first pos in rotation. New maps like the institute spoon we played are rarely added to map rotation list or rtv list, or votemap list.
Fix the shit maps, remove the really shit ones, dont overplay ze maps and gimme VIP and Ill be happy .
PS: Kamikaze, sorry for fucking your head with my dualies, lol.
PSS:I used to have VIP but it got removed. I tried to donate but the credit card did not worked with PayPal.