Ok, I have to get my 2 cents in here.... ahem...

Actually, I have to completely disagree with what cogbern says(still love cogbern though), there is nothing wrong with the way voting is being done in gungame. I, as admin, probably play more hours than any other admin in gungame and have not noticed any misuse of the votemap system. If it isnt broke why fix it. Since the votemap was turned to 100% vote to change maps the amount of people playing has been greatly reduced; ie when a "bad" map comes up in rotation, everyone clears out. The system we had in place before cogbern complained was the best system weve had in the 3 years ive been playing at N/U, no reason to fix it just to please one person(even though we love him).

How about we get rid of the maps noone likes(i can tell you what they are since all I do is play gungame), and how about voting for map change with a 75% majority. Sorry cogbern, it works and we cant please 100% of the people but we can hit 95%.