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Thread: Ways to make zombie mod better?

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  1. #8
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Our Zombie Mod server has a very peculiar setup and balance to it that other Zombie Mod servers do not. The theory that I use for the server follows these guidelines:

    - Server should be Unlimited Ammo (UA)
    - Gameplay should be diverse
    - Zombies and humans must be balanced

    Most UA servers don't really follow these guides. Our ZM is modeled off of Zombie Network II and III, both UA servers run by my friend in Germany. However, where MoOnLiGht pushed hers to be very well balanced, they both ended up with a lack of diverse gameplay. On both servers many weapons are restricted and the prop menu is limited. So, here I wanted more fun options for the players. Our ZM has probably the most diverse gameplay I've ever seen. All guns are unrestricted, we have a !weapons menu, and our !propmenu has more items than any other place. We even have parachute enabled on some maps.

    But because of these liberties for humans I had to give the zombies the Barrel Roll so that they can have an edge as well. Humans can use any gun and can spawn plenty of good props, so the Barrel Roll becomes a necessity for zombies to even the field. Zombies also have lower health than normal, making the Barrel Roll even more important.

    With that said, this does not mean I am not open to new suggestions for the server. ZM is always a little crazy, and that's my goal with the server -- to keep it a bit unpredictable. Things are more fun this way. The stuff you mentioned seems like it could really screw up the balance on the server, so I may hold off on it for a while. Zombie Classes might be something I can look at though. But I don't know what the classes would be. Anyway, there are some things I have been trying to develop recently to change game play... Whether or not they are successful is anyone's guess, and other stuff has failed in the past. (Flame thrower for example.) But anyway y'all might find these interesting:

    Cloaking Device:
    - Zombies could cloak for a few seconds at a time to sneak up on humans.
    - Zombies can not attack while cloaked.
    This would help zombies out vs climb campers such as the box tower in horror center.

    Rocket Launcher:
    - Humans can buy a rocket for 4 credits.
    - They can shoot it at zombies to blow them up.

    Whether these are good ideas or not, I have no idea. But the point is that I am always open to suggestions as long as it wouldn't compromise those three guidelines for the server.
    Last edited by Natalya; 08-31-2009 at 04:35 PM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

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