now im not going to lie all of this is true and would get us out the hole a little bet but not out far a nuff to really make that much of a diffrence in the matters at hand.

First of all, if you look at trade, in April of 09' we imported 28.8 billion dollars more worth of goods in to this country than out of it (BEA Overview of the U.S. Economy). That means we are taking our wealth and sending it to China and the middle east. The worst part is, WE DON'T HAVE TO! We have oil in Alaska we can't drill because of environmentalist! We have factories, but all of our corporations would rather outsource then work here because its so expensive. Our automakers don't understand how to make inexpensive, quality, attractive cars (or don't want to) and our farmlands are being destroyed for suburban development! We import so much food! WHY!