It would be nice is some admins wouldn't be quick to jump the boat and start grabbing and slamming players around. I've had this happen several times, simply because my ping was only 12? They thought I was doing some sort of exploit I never even heard of.

I understand admins get frustrated at times, but cmon, take the time to observe before you start bashing around. Gets just as frustrating on the user end also. I enjoy playing on NU because of the way it's configured, and I have 90 percent of the maps so I don't have to !zspawn when a map finally loads. I'm not bashing any of the admins that may be reading this or calling them hypocritical, I've hosted and admin many servers before, I know there is noobs, and there is buttheads, and sometimes it's hard to distinguish between the 2. Just asking those that get PO'ed because some stray bullet hit they're object, they don't go on a kicking spree of anyone that isn't an admin or a name they haven't seen before. A little more leniency is all I ask.