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Thread: What Money Can't Buy...

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  1. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Nova Scotia, Canada
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    im by no means saying im the only one who does shit, but i am saying.. i have donated a crap load of my time and yet i am being treated differently than those who pay a few bucks a month.
    you know whats funny, i talked to pasties and sio the day before my admin was taken away about becoming a jrowner on here... then the next day pasties says well u pay or lose admin... clearly, he was trying to force me to start paying even though i just talked to him about it the previous day.

    as i said before im not tryign to be a glory whore or pretend to be something im not.. but when this place started sooo many years ago.. i will easily say that i had a lot to do with its success. when we had that unlimited server going.. huge fuckin server, full every night. it was a great time and anyone who was around back then knows it was.
    maybe my last post makes this seem like im some kid whos pissed about losing admin, or cant afford to donate. neither of these are true, im not one of the people who goes on there and talks in green chat trying to feel powerful and shit, thats what nub admins do, i go on there and keep the fuckin server running smoothly, i know what hackers look like because i have hacked, i know what to look for, i know the rules. so removing me from that position does exactly what? one less experienced person to take care of business.

    the bit that gets me is how i was ready to start donating money, i told pasties and sio i was going to.. told them that on my own without them asking or anything, then the next day pasties says hes removing my admin? did he expect me to fucking get down on my knees and fuckin throw money at him after he basically said pay or lose admin. thats a fucking slap in teh face after working so hard, putting so much fucking time into this shit.
    anyone who fucking does anything here can vouch for that, how would you feel after months of work, and years of service suddenly mean nothing?

    so fuckin call me a glory whore or bitch about me sounding conceded.
    this place would not be the n00b unlimited it is today with out c m a c. period. So if you are fucking ready to lose that kind of person, then fuck you.

    this isnt just about me makign a map sio, where you even around back when that shit was hot? you cant judge if im special for makign that map or not. my point is, that map put NU on the fuckin map. take that as you wish.
    Last edited by CMAC; 07-20-2009 at 04:49 PM.

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