Quote Originally Posted by SniperKiller View Post
I dont know u breaker but i was doing research on the ban website

While i was looking at I noticed that there is entire page of KAC bans by the use of natalya anticheat system

Also i also noticed it was only banning people on the zombie Mod server

Also it mostly bans foreigners

I will address these points:

1: There's pages and pages of KAC bans by the KAC plugin as well... What's your point? If anything, the fact that it has had so many bans and that no one has ever complained until now, that should support upholding the ban.

2: NsAC is only in use on Zombie Mod. It used to be on Dust 2 as well but that was only for a week or so. (It conflicted with KAC.) KAC can not be used on ZM because it bans by Steam ID only. Kigen is against no-steam servers so he won't support an anti-cheat that can be used on them, which is why we have NsAC. Though, admittedly, I could modify his anti-cheat to ban by IP.

3: The people it is banning tend to be people who didn't actually buy the game, who tend to be foreigners.

Quote Originally Posted by SniperKiller View Post
It may be her plugin but her anticheat system is 100% or steam and KAC would alrdy have it in its systems

And her anticheat hasnt been checked by steam themselves to see if its flaw proof

And im an admin
Steam doesn't look at 3rd-party anti-cheat programs such as KAC or Detox or whatever. They haven't done that and never will do that.

Also, the method mine uses to detect hacks is pretty-much identical to KAC's. It's just a CVAR checker.