Added map:

This is a remake of zm_base_fixed_b3 done by MoOnLiGht and me. Moon changed the atmosphere of the map from night to day and added some scenery. She also did some work on the balance of the rooms inside, and added the zm_natalyas_ship radio tower. I added all of the secrets it now has, added an extra teleport, and two non-secret rooms to the basement. One is just regular climbing camping, but the other room is Death Pit 2.0 -- a new remake of the bridge room in cabin. The new one features a bunch of fire at the bottom, a cooler pit in general, and now although the humans can't see into the hallway from across the bridge, just like cabin, the zombies are now able to see from the hallway into the pit room, giving them a little bit of an advantage here, as compared with the original where they couldn't see either.