Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but players can take demo's and submit bans on the sourcebans site as well I believe. I know that this isn't their job, but it is another avenue to make them aware of. They can submit one and then just let an admin know to review it.

I've been called into a server quite a bit and/or at times been handed a steam if for someone
that is a "hacker" and I'm not going to ban someone like that without a demo or personally validating that the person is hacking. (so I know where you are coming from with this) I think the only real viable solution for this is to educate the regs on what they can do to help keep hackers out of the community when they can't get in touch with an admin for whatever reason.

Especially in ZM (I'm assuming your talking about) since there are a lot of Admins and seems to always be one on during the 3 hours a day that Sajora isn't playing.