
Added maps:

Added to RTV list but not to rotation:

I also put zm_omi_facility_b2 back onto rotation, and took the _nu version off. Both are still on the RTV list.

Completed configuring the admin model menu.
Human Skins:
N00b Unlimited GIGN
Super Sailor Moon II

Zombie Skins:
Super Sailor Moon II
Miami Korin Zombie

Map Descriptions:

Resort 2 is a building, similar to the lila building on an island surrounded by deadly water. A small boat drives in a circle around the map. There are some additional islands surrounding the main one, and there are a couple buildings floating in the water. One of them has a basement underground.

Umbrella Corp is the Umbrella Corp building, but isn't actually from any of the movies. It has offices on the main floor, but if you go down there are also storage areas and then secret labs at the bottom. The labs make for good barricading. There is a helipad on the roof. Players can go in and out of the building and the parking lot.

420 Office 5 is fairly shitty when it comes to detail, but there are many good camping spots in the map, and it is very fun overall. It's a little more abstract than the other maps we have on the server. Less detail, but detail isn't important here.

Tanna is a small village that subsists off of the rice fields around it. It consists of two big main buildings by spawn, and down the hills of rice fields you will find a small school and a couple of small houses. This map has a lot of barricading spots.