Grow up. how well do you really know him? have you sat down and talked w/him? maybe he is cool. maybe you just jellous that he is better then most of the people that play there. so fucking what. get over it. i like you and him. there is no valid reason not to get along with him. if you have problems. oh well. that is something you'll have to deal with on your own terms.

me being admin, i don't always get along with him. so what. i'm not being childish. he knows the ruls of the server. he knwo how to spot people hacking. and all in all he has caught a lot of shit for BS reasons. and handled it rather will i think.
so maybe he shoot knifes. it's fucking gg, there are no rules that say you can't do that. the goal is to kill or be killed. he does more killin that most.
get over yourself.
