Hello this is Ninja first time posting here. Anyway, you guys should get rid of maps that are so similar that you'd rather just play the original for example the new Aztec_shotty is lame imo. That map just has different textures, breakable walls, which leads to an area in the map you can camp all day in. I would love it if the admins gave these maps a chance :

aim_ag_texture_city FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S > Combat/Skill > aim_ag_texture_city

gg_zs_anticamper FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S GG > Other/Misc > gg_zs_anticamper

gg_mini_mario2 FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S GG > Other/Misc > gg_mini_mario_2

gg_fy_snow FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S GG > Fight Yard > gg_fy_snow