I also agree about the whole map rotation. I mean. I don't get on the server a whole lot (but still pay for my admin as I appreciate being able to admin when I'm around), but the new rule of having to have players RTV for map change kind of sucks when they vote for the same maps every time. Literally everytime i do come in the server, it's on weaver (which is a terrible map, not sure why its so popular). If it's not weaver, it's shotty, or deagle. On the off chance that it gets on something cool like lego mafia, it's often RTVed back to one of the three maps I just mentioned. So, it kind of sucks when I'm paying for admin and would like to hop on and play a bit and actually play something I enjoy, but instead the same maps are played repeatedly with no love for some of the older maps that I recall when I played constantly.