WOW!!! Well. hum.. do i defend myself? or ????,...
ok here goes.
when i vote for knife rounds it's ONLY 3 rounds. ever. when I vote for them. never more. now. that is not saying that other admins can't do theirs after i have done mine. but not usualy.
for me the purpose of the knife rounds is to help the lower people gain a level and help ballance out the server. there are time when people cant get a scout kill for the life of them. and well 2 or 3 knife rounds helps them past that.

as for how many rounds i'll speak name i have nothing to hide. but jack-off (power trip) does them WAY TO FUCKING MUCH. like his name says (power trip). he uses the server as his little play toy. i have disagreed MANY times with him and well it gets me no where.
He will slap his friends to places of the map the you cant' get to normally. so then they have an advantage. he'll out some on no clip. it's just not cool.
as for smurf. i think i have only seen him do knife 2 times. in like what 5-6 months.
FreeBase will do them only after a vote of either 60-80% is yes. then he will ask in chat how many people want. Most of the people want and i quot "SHIT LOADS"

Now i do agree this is a GG server. guns are the way it should be. i have seen MANY other admins do shit they shouldn't be doing i have discussed this with higher ups. and still have seen no retribution.

Fermea was a good admin from my point of view. i am sorry to see that he lost his temper and had his admin removed.
if you have any more question then please by all mean contact me. i'll stand on my own two feet and tell ya how it is.

as for the sounds i thing we need to edit the playable list. some are great. i'dd like to add one for consideration. some do need to be removed.
