--- I know fearmeh doesn't want admin anymore so sorry to keep up with this thread, but to just follow up for the other admins / regs that read this and maybe to clarify a bit for me. ---

I may be wrong, Sio can probably clarify, but I'm assuming that no admin "powers" that we need to do our job will be taken away (kick/ban/mute/maybe slay?) but things like noclip and disarm and such I'm guessing will. I made a detailed post earlier agreeing with Shnarf and I hoped to clarify in that post as to why I agree.

Will it suck a bit having some of our admin abilities taken away? Yeah, but at the same time, when something like this is getting carried away then it is the right thing for the server and the regs in the server. From what I understand of Sio's post, we will still have the functions to be able to do our job correctly (how it is meant to be done) and maybe if we kiss a bit of ass we can get Admin Sounds back . But if losing the ability to do things like disarm and smack people around makes you not want to be an admin, then I think it is again a mentality issue about why you want to be an admin. I think as a general consensus at NU, the admins like to be admins because they enjoy the servers and community.

It really shouldn't suck for the new admins, since in the past, new admins would only have the very basic commands anyways until they got their feet wet a bit anyways. Ehh, I digress. I think its a good move, maybe after this blows over we can try to convince sio/pasties/mama to reinstate an admin a/b/c policy so that the admins that do the right things have more power/control but even then I can't say that it is a necessity, I can't think of a time that I would need to use some of the advanced admin commands except for extended period bans so that I wouldn't have to find someone else to move a ban to a week or so.

I appreciate this and I think it will help steer things back in the right direction, as I think the GG Car was getting off course. Thanks for taking action Sio / mama.

- As a side note, I would say that it had pretty much nothing to do with Shnarf and more to do with the numerous complaints as of late as well as Sio checking the log and verifying the crap.