So this happened in the GG server?

As a reg on DM, i can appreciate the more laid back approach of the GG server. There is no real set objectives, and mic chatter is more lax. But what an acceptable amount of talking is not for you to decide. If an admin tells you to keep it down, you have two options: comply or face the consequences. It doesn't matter how much you frequent the server, admin's word is law and you have no say. As a confessed mic spammer, it would be in your best interest to head the w0rd of those above you.

Also, there is absolutely NO form of advertising allowed in the servers. It doesn't matter what it is for, it is not allowed and all admins have been instructed to warn/kick/ban any offenders. It has always been one of the founding rules. Again, GG being more lax, other admins may have let it slide. But "so and so lets me do it" is not an acceptable excuse; if an admin/owner tells you to remove it, you do it.

I haven't heard any complaints against Rey to date. He has always presented himself as a level headed individual. I have yet to see other wise.

Read the MOTD again and rethink your complaint.