I'm not saying nothing bout donkey leaving or the cal servers but i will say this

i don't know sio very well but i do know that he works his ass off at his job every day and than for the last 4 days comes homes and i would assume goes more or less straight to his computers to work on all the servers for multiple hours and not spending time with his family just to please all the people in here cause they don't know how to find anything else to do

i say that sio puts this on the back burner for awhile ( as for how long thats for him to decide not me or anyone else ) and spend some time with his family cause FAMILY ALWAYS COMES FIRST

and i wish i had a family that cares about me like i know he cares about his
i have a mother that is severly bi-poluar and manic depessive, a aunt that is diabetic and is dying of cancer so she is barely there half the time ( incoherint ) a brother and his wife that are in there own worlds and spend time with all there freinds and her family before us (but he is there if i really really nedded him ) a father that will be in prision for the rest of his life for not controlling his temper and not keeping his dick in his pants and away from young girls ( think god i don't really know the ASSHOLE ) and thats it a mother brother and aunt on her death bed no more aunts or uncles or coussins and all my grandparents have been dead over 15 years

and sorry to sio in advance or any one else if this pisses ya off or steps on your toes
but its the unaluterated truth FAMILY ALAWYS COMES FIRST!!!!!!!