Ok frank i'm gonna have ta give ya a little turorial bot the zm server cause it died off bout 5 mos ago nat decided to make it a no steam id server therefore ppl with hacked sor no steam ids can join the server any time of the day and about 70% of the players at any given time or no steam id players we still use vac bans and kac bans amoung others to catch hackers but the don't have a valid steam id >> the didn't buy the game they either stole it or hacked the cd keys off the web so therefore when ya want someone baned or kicked for rule breaking ya have to give me nat do vit or one of the other admins there ip address not there steam id steam id will just get the whole server baned ... Happend to me three times

btw the mojarity of these no steam id players are from other countrys like korea, japan, china, russia, germany, the neverlands, pureto rico, tawian and other really far off places so tring to talk to them and explain shit to them don't work in the normal seense of the word

i personslly just blind, disarm, burn, drug, slap, and kick them to get there attention

just a few pointers for ya

btw so almost forgot type sm_plist into console to get there ip to give to one of us admins

thanks kami