Okay first some technical notes...

A: Bed Frame
I'm all ears if y'all would like to suggest possible replacements for this prop. It's seldom used and would probably be better if it was replaced with another prop, so give me ideas. Juu mentioned the wire spool, but this prop is not very heavy. It rolls around easily and is not suitable for barricading.

B: Vending Machine
The vending machine spawns on top of you unless you aim sufficiently far away from where you're trying to spawn it. The vend is expensive and sometimes bugs like that, but the thing is that if you do it right it's probably the best prop for making a barricade in the whole game and zombies can't deal with it except by barrel rolling. So, what I say here is, learn to place it better because yes, it is risky, so you gotta see if the benefits outweigh the risk. It would be kinda cheap if it was sure to get placed properly. Also, it can't be replaced with the smaller cs_office vending machine. (1337UP or MoOnLiGht one)

C: Props in Vents
Call admins to deal with this problem. We'll be happy to kill anyone who spawns dryers in vents. Umm, I don't know about a check to see if the player is crouched or not... I guess I could look at it, maybe there is a way. I like the idea I just don't know if it's possible.

@ Juu and Zombies Breaking Prop Towers:
I personally don't ban zombies for busting my towers because with Jedi powers I am not easily thwarted in this manner and I end up just using them to do what I was gonna do in the first place with the prop stack... Banning people is sometimes bothersome so why bother if I can get past what they've done? If someone breaks ur stack tho and I'm around I'll help u out tho and maybe ban them or something, but you gotta complain and let me know or else I'm not gonna see it happen.

Another thing... You seem a little incoherent here. You want the prop menu removed partially because zombies break your prop towers that you wouldn't even have in the first place if there was no prop menu...? This seems a little illogical to me.

"i also dislike how people can stack onto a tower that requires like 8 filing cabinets, and then when they see someone stacking, they shoot the whole thing down, theres only 1 way up, stacking, so either make a rule where they cant shoot filing stacks down or just edit the maps you download and put invis walls everywhere"

Any map edited by MoOnLiGht has invisible walls and shit to prevent this. All of my maps do too except Natalya's Ship. But srsly, that is most of the maps on the server right there... (Moon has edited a lot like the zm_roy_ maps as well.)

Anyway, so my whole take on it is this:

The ZM we have now is not the ZM that Tara used to run. You have to remember that it died for about two months, and so that's why all the changes have been made, most of them coming during the summer this year. Prop menu was the first thing we changed on the server and so I don't really see it going away at this point, especially since in this vote a majority said to keep it. But I can make changes to it. Once y'all decide on a replacement for the bed frame, I'll get that put in there and I'll look for a way to make it not work while you are crouching as well. Umm I guess other options include making shit either more or less expensive, but no1 has said anything about that yet.