As you all may of seen there has been a little change in our server. You should know that i have been talking with our regular admins on a daily basis. We are trying our best to get our players to register with the website and tag up with N/U. There is still a few issues with some players that we are and will be working on. I took the responsibility of Jr. Owner to help out and see that we are back on top of the food chain once again. This game we all love is still one of the best sellers to date. We have many many new players looking for a home server, I want them ! I can tell you tho the Players that are expressing non-stop Negativity will be delt with. I cant stand hearing from Regs that some Joe Blow was picking on a new player and nobody was online to intervene. I'm willing to roll the dice on cleaning out the assholes and picking up newbs that want to play. I understand it's hard not having the game skills to come into a server and then get messed with for not knowing what to do, Then they disconnect and wont come back. Any Admins that i haven't talked to yet Please hit me up so i can say a few words to ya. And any players that have ideas or complaints feel free to post or Pm me.

Thank you to all !!