So, I'd like to bring this issue back up since it is still an issue, just an issue on the other side that was originally brought up.

Right now it takes 100% of the players in the server to /votemap the same map in order to change the map. Now, I understand the complaint that started this, but here is the issue.

As others have pointed out, the system counts Spectators and Bots as people. So, if there are 3 people in the server and 1 bot and the map changes to a shitty map, everyone leaves because it would take 4 to votemap. Instead of being able to switch to a good map that brings in players. (like what just happened). Also, during normal playing times, people will come to a map that they (and probably the majority of players on) don't like, and knowing that it is impossible to do a votemap now, they will just leave and maybe come back later.

So, since probably 70% of the time that I play at least there is a person in spec or a bot in game (early morning), votemapping is impossible.

I think that having a valid RTV system in place if important for keeping the server populated and is a real value add to the server. I just don't like seeing everyone clear out of the server because votemap is impossible and they don't like the map.

Is there a chance that something can be done with this?