Well Hello Everyone. It's NoogyMan i've been told i should apply for admin for a long time so here i am. I would like to apply for admin on the Office server and eventually work my way up to being admin on the GunGame server as well, but i'm ok with being just admin on one server for now. I don't know who the Jr. Owner is of the office server, but if they would get to me on Steam i would gladly answer any questions that they may have or need to ask.

I plan on helpping with donations as soon as college is paid for because i am going to A private college, Emory & Henry in Virginia, and it costs quite a bit. Now after that is paid for i would gladly help donate. I'm only making 3.50 an hour as a waitor so tips are helpful.

I've been a memeber of this community for awhile. I've been in Word for a few months. I play mainly on the Office, Gungame, and D2 Servers. I also have scrimmed quite a few times with Soopa and Sniper and am a back up member for their Eco Team.

If you could just get back to me whenever you can i would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks for your time!