Anonymous: yeah cause its leaving the vvent server unprotected and doesnt make sense NOT to have the admins govern there too
DoT.: ggggggggg
DoT.: yeah i hear ya
Anonymous: lol it is biiiig
DoT.: know what
DoT.: that makes a solid point
DoT.: something that should be taken to the forums
DoT.: cuz
DoT.: he doesnt trust them
DoT.: and i mean not to be a dick or anything but i dont trust us either
Anonymous: lol
DoT.: but vent admin
Anonymous: but admins are admins, must be some trust there
DoT.: i knw
Anonymous: yup
DoT.: nice we work
Anonymous: and like server it can be customized, some can only kick, others can ban etc

An anonymous zm player brought to my attention that the zm vent channel is left unprotected because most of our admins do not possess the power to rid of those players who decide to "act foolish" in our channel.

It would be nice to get some of the admins that are regularly in vent some type of admin power. I understand that there is a trust issue with the zm admins (myself doubly included) but I still feel, as this player stated, the admins are admins so there has to be some sort of trust to be given.

Also, vent admin powers cant really be abused unless you have a total asshead with no brains.

All in all, it would be greatly appreciated by myself and the zm admins who are in vent regularly could receive vent admin.

The one

P.S. - My vent admin needs to be taken off, as I no longer am admin.