Not sure how many of you guys remember me. I used to play here a lot, and was a former administrator on Zombie mod. (I left when tara left and the server added those new plugins.) I have gotten bored of playing Company of Heroes, and have come back and am once again interested in mapping for N/U. Some of you may remember my largest map zm_omi_facility_nu whose secrets had great numbers but also were quite vast in size and of which I can almost guarantee that they have not all been found out unless someone decompiled the map.

The main reason I am posting here is because I do not wish to make a large map unless it will be played or at least hosted. Also since my server has been done now for sometime and I am too lazy to bring it back up it seems my best chance is here.

If anyone has any ideas, suggestions or thoughts regarding this please express them. Also, please note that I like to modify maps being that I am not very creative, and if the zombie maps are still anything like they were - there should be a lot of maps that could use some modifying. If anyone has a map that they think could be made better please point it out, I will play it and along with your ideas make a relatively new map. If no one has any such ideas then I would love to take ideas for a map and just make a new one. If your suggestion is to be a secret, i.e. a password or hidden button, you can e-mail my personal account at

I will try to play on the ZM server to get to know (more accurately stated: you get to know me) the people of which I do not know.

P.S I am more than aware that this thread would be better suited in the developers forum but seing as I no longer have the password I can not post it there. Please accept my apologies.