I was banned maybe a week ago from this server.


That's my ID. Look up the reason.

My explanation goes as follows (little different in the appeal): I just got my internet turned back on after 6 months of not having it (thanks to layoffs). I have not been able to play pretty much anything in my "time off". That means, wasn't able to load up Steam and play some CS:S or HL2 (my play offline thing wouldn't work). Anywho, I used to have HLSS before I went inactive and rarely ever used it. Only times were in my own server (which is now gone, thanks to the layoffs).

Getting to the point, I reformatted about 3 days ago due to Windows getting corrupted on me. Love that, almost made me hit up on Linux. But yeah, fresh install of Source, sweet new configs and whatever else.

I feel as if the automatic ban when the command "Togglewav" is found is absolutely overkill. The ban should be only for a few hours at a time, not permanently. I used to be a regular under a different name. What it was, I don't remember. I don't keep a common one name in game. Just on forums and such

Long story, I know but I explained myself and gave reason. If you do not want to unban me, that is understandable. At least take my suggestion of temporary bannishment into mind. Thanks!