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Thread: Alien vs Predator Funround (ZM)

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  1. #1
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Default Alien vs Predator Funround (ZM)

    As y'all may have seen yesterday, I've finally gotten around to working on an Alien vs Predator script. Here's what it will do:

    - Set Players to Respawn as Zombie when they die (DONE)
    - Zombies will get the Alien model
    - Predator will get the Predator XP model
    - It will randomly choose a predator (DONE)
    - If you kill the predator, you get to be predator next round (DONE)
    - Predator gets 10 seconds to run at round start (DONE)
    - Predator gets the M3 with explosive rounds (DONE)
    - Predator's pistol has explosive rounds (DONE)
    - Predator restricted from buying other guns (DONE)
    - If predator disconnects, it selects a new one for next round (DONE)
    - Everyone except predator gets zombied (DONE)
    - Fix issue with predator spawning as zombie
    - If predator survives, they get to be predator next round

    Most of the basic functionality is already done. There's just a glitch where the predator (since they're the only human) will get zombied by the ZM plugin. I need to either suppress auto-zombification or perhaps once a zombie is chosen, choose a predator randomly then, and then zombie everyone else, but this would suck because predator-ship would not always be hereditary. (Like if who ever was supposed to be predator ended up as first zombie it would suck for them.)

    As for forcing models, I'll need to re-write the model menu once again to allow console-based model forcing for the script to use. D:

    Last edited by Natalya; 02-24-2009 at 11:40 AM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

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